Paul Seikegba (CEO BoostUpEsanma) Sends Heartwarming Greetings To Esanma Community, Friends, Well- wishers, Says Another Big Day Is May 27th Children Day  Let The Children’s Laughter Remind Us How We Used To 

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Paul Seikegba (CEO BoostUpEsanma) Sends Heartwarming Greetings To Esanma Community, Friends, Well- wishers, Says Another Big Day Is May 27th Children Day

Let The Children’s Laughter Remind Us How We Used To


Greetings from BoostUpEsanma to all distinguished members of Esanma community,both Home and in diaspora.

I warmly welcome us all back to our basement after the festive season.

Let us move forward together to redefine our community values…as the year kicks off. Early preparation matters alot in any course of action.

Let me also take this opportunity to bring to your attention, the next big day for our calendar is 27th may 2025 (children day) as I extend a hand of fellowship to every member of Esanma Community to take part in anyway they can to make it a success for the children,both in finance and in moral support, all are welcomed.

Let us make this day a special day for our beloved children…Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to..

The time is ‘now’ o’clock…

With love and happiness.

Paul Seikegba (CEO BoostUpEsanma)